I Am
Awakening of Consciousness
The purpose of this work is to spread joy, love and healing across the planet by harmonizing these 4 pillars: Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom.
I believe that the harmony between these principles will be the basis for the creation of a reality of abundance in all areas of life, practicing compassionate action, through the "Revolution of conscience" of humanity.
We are a family owned and operated business.
There were several revolutions experienced by humanity throughout history, we now live in the "Digital Age" and in recent years we have come across this silent revolution, known as the "Revolution of Consciousness". This revolution is transforming the planet completely, changing the way people relate, how they work, how they take care of their own health and the environment, leading to a break with the current materialist paradigm, which works with the method of competition and the scarcity logic, for the implementation of the collaborative paradigm, where the logic of cooperation and abundance predominates.
I believe that the human being should be treated as an integrated being, where body, mind and spirit must be studied as interdependent areas.
This project is guided by the union between science and spirituality as complementary parts of an ALL that is pure knowledge and love.
We emphasize that our proposal is to share reflections based on the studies, experiences and practical application of the author in the contents shown and that there is no affiliation with political parties or religious dogmas. The author is a free thinker in constant search for the meaning of existence.
Our goal is to encourage people to pursue mastery through personal development, promoting self-realization and a collaborative and fraternal environment in interpersonal relationships. Objectively, the values that guide this work are:
1. Self-confidence
Self-knowledge, self-esteem and recognition of who you really are, your divine essence.
We are a family owned and operated business.
2. Proactivity
Leaving the comfort zone all the time, having initiative, willingness to learn, work and help.
We are a family owned and operated business.
3. Creativity
The ability to do something differently, outside the standard, integrating the intellectual with the intuitive.
4. Balance
Between reason and emotion, between action and non-action and between giving and receiving.
5. Courage
Mastery and personal empowerment to take the necessary risks, in order to move forward with firmness over all the challenges of life.
6. Leadership
The ability to positively influence people towards a collective goal.
7. Wisdom
Practical application of knowledge at the service of humanity.
Who I am

Tatiana Carneiro
Engineer graduated from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), post graduated in Project Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas and completing an MBA in Business Intelligence from Faculdade Unyleya 100% Digital, certified in Requirements Engineering (CPRE) by the International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB), Certified Scrum Master (CSM) and Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) by the Scrum Alliance. Reikiana by the Usui system, Tibetan and Kahuna, lover of books and creative writing, piano student and mandala colorist. Mother of pet, mother of plants and passionate about Nature in all its forms.